Εργστήριο Διεπιστημονικής Προσέγγισης για τη Βελτίωση της Ποιότητας Ζωής, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΑΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ
Bravo Society
The Interdisciplinary Approach Laboratory for the Improvement of the Quality of Life belongs to the Department of Social Work of the School of Health Sciences, of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) and aims to cover the research and educational needs of the Department of Social Work at the undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral levels in the fields of interest of the laboratory.
Εργστήριο Διεπιστημονικής Προσέγγισης για τη Βελτίωση της Ποιότητας Ζωής, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΑΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ
Bravo Society