
Institution of Nutrition Studies & Research

Purpose of I.D.M.E. is to contribute to public health prevention but also to the development of Nutrition and Health strategies related to eating habits, fitness and general health of Greek and European population.

INSR, by the constant collaboration with renowned several groups of Health Professionals, Private Educational & Research Institutions, Universities & Governmental Organizations as well as companies relevant to medicine and food, aims to fulfill a series of objectives:

The promotion of food policy in Greece and Europe
The contribution to the prevention and treatment of obesity
Promoting cooperation in the field of nutrition, health and strengthening the developing countries of the world with actions of humanitarian and food aid
Increasing citizen participation in actions to support nutritional health policies
The promotion of healthy eating patterns in Greece and abroad and the promotion of nutrition education through the organization of information and experiential education programs for the traditional Greek and Mediterranean diet, healthy eating, obesity and physical exercise
The implementation of communication and information actions to promote healthy living and food safety
The development and dissemination of best practices for the promotion of health, healthy eating and exercise in children and young people


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